
5 min read

Deviation Actions

DolphyDolphiana's avatar
Some people have asked me about commissions and since I have lost sight of some of the notes they sent me I ask you for replying to this journal entry if you want a picture. ^^;

I`ve changed a few things about the commissions.

From now on I`ll send you the sketch via E-Mail before I colour it so it`s easier to change particular things.When you`re content with the sketch you send me the money via Paypal.As soon as I`m done with the colouring I`m gonna send you a high qualitiy version for you to print out.


Sketch :


- Ballpoint-pen ( black or blue )
- Pencil ( normal or blue )

( $5 additional character )

Inked picture :


( $5 additional character )

Copic markers and coloured pencils :

- without background $25

- with simple water-colour background $30…

( $10 additional character )

Computer-coloured :

- flat colours, without background $15

( $5 additional character )

With shading :

- without background $25

- with simple background $30…

- with detailed background $35…

( $10 additional character )


Since I`m living in Germany the only way you can pay me is through Paypal ( ).
Aber wenn ihr aus Deutschland seid, könnt ihr mir das Geld natürlich auch überweisen. ^_^

My mateys :

:icondodgermd: :iconlobbyreal: :iconabby-angie:

Great artists :

:icontigrin: :iconmirri: :iconjennadelle: :iconqueenbean3: :iconoscen: :iconmegprk: :iconsatomi-chan: :iconspiritwolf77: :iconwynahiros: :iconastrocat: :iconajie-g: :iconespie: :iconfalia: :iconleelakin: :icontacimur: :iconwinterfalcon: :iconbalaa: :iconoatdoe: :icongoldenwolf: :iconmakani: :iconribera: :iconsnowysmt: :icontaa: :iconthefelinecanine: :iconbanzai555: :iconcat-hicks: :icondaekazu: :iconhellcorpceo: :iconj-c: :iconjamilla: :iconkenket: :iconkheleksul: :iconkuitsuku: :iconladylydian: :iconnanook123: :iconemily-lorange: :iconspectraldagger: :iconhibbary: :iconb1nd1: :icontigon: :icondisney-bubbles: :icondomi-chan: :iconevana: :iconrexking: :iconneondragon: :iconsamantharobinson: :iconvanillakitsune: :icontanidareal:

Clubs I`ve joined :

:iconjim-hawkins-fans: :iconsilversgalley: :icontreasure-planet: :iconsimbafanclub:

My fan-club ( *is flattered* ) :

© 2005 - 2024 DolphyDolphiana
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magtox's avatar
Edit: Naturally I paid no attention to the "Commissions Currently Closed" comment. XD

But if/when they reopen... would my question still be a possibility?